Respiratory Facemasks and shields are the forms of personal protection equipment that are intended to provide temporary protection against the spread of infectious diseases, especially the ongoing pandemic of Coronavirus. With the increased onset of COVID-19 infection all across the globe, many health organizations, government agencies, and manufacturers/distributors of various protective equipment have touted incredible benefits of using facemasks and face shields. But, do these face masks really help in preventing the spread of Coronavirus? Is there any particular material or standard colour that we should keep in mind while buying facemasks? Keep reading to clear out some basic confusions regarding the varieties of facemasks and how to effectively use them.
Reliable protection from Novel Coronavirus
For many years prior to the onset of this Novel Coronavirus, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended the use of red facemasks for protection against various forms of diseases, flu and viruses that we encounter on a daily basis. Some of these diseases have become a part of our common life and we have grown to not care much about such diseases but there is nothing that can be done immediately when a new disease hits you. Diseases that we have grown to live with barely cause us to raise an eyebrow, especially if it is curable but when it comes to new incurable diseases, we get to build suspicions and fear just out of fear of death. Even if it’s just a minor infection, the absence of cure is just as terrifying a thought as the new Coronavirus. Precaution and prevention are the best ways to fight back against such diseases and ensure a healthy lifestyle.
Facemasks can protect whether you are inside your home or visiting a grocery store to buy essentials. Tiny water droplets that we spring out while sneezing and coughing are the major sources of COVID-19 infection because they stay active in the air for hours. These tiny droplets contain a massive amount of germs and bacteria responsible for a range of health issues, including Coronavirus. Facemasks will provide a barrier to prevent you from inhaling any kind of airborne virus while breathing or talking. It will also prevent the virus from getting into the air through an infected person. So yes, facemasks can save the lives of people.
Adding a style statement
The colour of facemasks does not play any major role in the prevention of viruses, but make sure to choose a quality fabric material because a poor quality mask may not protect you from infection. There are red, black, white, green, blue colours masks available in the market. Red colour masks are one of the widely used masks because it goes well with anything. Red facemasks and black facemask simply look cool and blends perfectly with any outfit. Red facemasks can give you a style statement that you can show off among your friends and colleagues.